Importance of Rehabilitation

If you have been injured, damage has occurred to your soft tissue structures.  Initially, you are in an "Intensive Care" phase of treatment, where the main goal is to decrease the inflammation, reduce pain, and increase range of motion.  After this phase, you begin to feel better, but this is NOT the time to stop treatment.  Now we enter the "Rehabilitative or Corrective Care" phase.  This part of treatment is extremely important to prevent further injury.  The muscles, ligaments, and tendons that were damaged during your injury need to be strengthened and rehabilitated.  

what is rehabilitation?

At Complete Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, we believe the rehabilitation phase is so important- it is in our name!  You will be given stretches and exercises that will be done in the office and at home to help those soft tissue stretches achieve pre-accident status.  By strengthening these muscles, the joint will become more stable and will reduce tension on tendons and ligaments.  This allows for full support of the joint and will help to prevent injury in the future. 
